just debt

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  1. The women are just up to their eyes in debt.
  2. While true, that is just part of the massive sovereign debt bill the country rang up in the past decade.
  3. And the Federal Reserve Bank of New York just announced that student loan debt topped$ 1 trillion for the first time.
  4. In the U.S., some$ 99 billion in just one type of bank debt is coming due between now and the end of the year.
  5. Just as with design debt's real-life financial analogy, there is an ongoing cost to service design debt, because of the impact on code maintainability.
  6. Nor is it just about the debt overhang or financial shocks.
  7. About 26% of graduates with no undergraduate debt started their own business, compared with just 20% of those carrying debt from$ 20,000 to$ 40,000.
  8. But fear of the long-term consequences may also explain why, with exquisite timing, exchange rate co-operation is creeping on to the Asian policy agenda just as sovereign debt worries in Europe raise the prospect of a break-up of the eurozone.
  9. But it is not just in the realm of collateralised debt obligations or asset-backed securities ( the clue is in the names) that this culture dominated.
  10. By this I do not just mean getting public debt back under control.
  11. Making youngsters forfeit part of their productive or educational potential can depress an economy just as heavy government debt or high income taxes do.
  12. Over the past two quarters, for example, US households repaid just 3.1 per cent of their debt.
  13. I'm just collecting on a debt.
  14. I just didn't have debt collectors calling me at all hours of the day, that's all.
  15. Just why is there so much debt in the Anglo-Saxon world?
  16. Japanese investors are not just worried about debt issued by the peripheral economies of Portugal, Italy, Ireland and Greece; they seem pretty uneasy about German bonds too.
  17. A plan to let the government take an ownership stake in troubled companies as part of the rescue, rather than just buying bad debt, also was under intense negotiation.
  18. As Congress squabbles over a deficit-reduction plan, just as it argued over the debt ceiling, the US has done its best to claim the golden palm at Cannes for the most incompetent decision-making.
  19. Remember, however, don't free up your revolving lines just to dig yourself further into debt.
  20. No economist would look just at the debt side of a balance sheet, yet that is what S& P focuses on.
  21. Just like private equity, distressed debt investors are used to playing hardball to get their way.
  22. On this I make a simple point: it is not just about debt; it must also be about assets.
  23. Still, private-equity firms now have their work cut out to prove that they were not just another manifestation of an unsustainable debt bubble.
  24. Governments need to re-acquire not just technical debt management skills but a hardheaded credit culture to deal with their external obligations.
  25. What makes these bond issues important is that the offshore renminbi market is much more than just a new avenue for debt financing – it is one of the core components in a plan to internationalise the Chinese currency.
  26. Just you owe my debt perhaps BE;
  27. According to "financing law" of the modern financing theory, the listed company should choose inside financing first in financing, then just consider outside financing, make debt financing a priority among them, and regard stock financing as the last choice.
  28. European sovereign debt crisis is not just debt crisis, currency crisis, banking crisis and industrial structure crisis, in terms of the root cause, it is the economic and social development model crisis in southern European countries.
  29. The choice is just emerging debt crisis, and in turn the debt crisis conduction effect the formation of the initial system and discusses.